Are you thinking of selling your farm or ranch?
If you are considering selling your New Mexico farm, ranch or other rural property, I will work hard to help you get it done within a reasonable time frame and with honesty and integrity.
With my network of contacts and advertising option, both online and in magazines, your property will be seen by prospective buyers from all over the United States, not only in New Mexico.
I keep up on all issues pertaining to land ownership in New Mexico, including public lands (Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Grass Lands, State lands etc.) mineral and water rights, range stewardship, conservation easements, wildlife habitat and hunting, as well as other legal and regulatory issues that affect New Mexico land owners.

Email Tom, Qualified Broker, today, or call (no texts): 575-403-6903
The advantages of farming and ranching with the rural living it implies in New Mexico are appealing to many – our winters are generally mild compared to most other States, the cost of raising livestock is comparatively low with less winter feeding, land is less expensive than most anywhere else, agricultural property taxes are lower, and New Mexico is less populated than most States in the Union.
Out-of-State buyers are looking to relocate to New Mexico for various reasons; they may experience frequent floods, long hard winters with high feed costs, burdensome government regulations, high property taxes, etc. I’ll show them your property and get it sold!